
Reinventing the 312 Home Improvement Loan Program

Over the last thirty years the community development field has moved away from its early focus on helping homeowners maintain and improve their properties towards the development of new affordable housing. Fueled by the resources of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) and a confident economy, and in flight from lead remediation requirements for housing rehab, non-profits as well as for profit developers and local governments began to shift towards the promotion of new construction - both rental and homeownership - and away from housing rehab aimed at assisting individual owners.

The time has come to shift back.

Hundreds of thousands of foreclosed properties, declining property values and the loss of home equity, the absence of conventional credit, the need to make older houses energy efficient, opportunities to stimulate the local small construction trades and building supply markets - all of these factors demand that we look again at housing rehabilitation as an important policy option.

We need tools to promote the repair and rehabilitation of our older housing stock. Historically, the federal government played a leadership role in promoting home rehab and we need the Federal government to play this role again. A key role government can play is to authorize a significant amount of funding for the Section 312 Loan Program. We need to revisit this old tool and reinvent it making it relevant to the current situation.

The 312 Loan Program was authorized in the Housing Act of 1964. It provided loans from the Federal government through local municipal governments to home owners and landlords at 3% for a twenty year term. The per unit rehab cost allowed was $27,000, which in the 1970s and 1980s was a significant amount of money. It was used often in Urban Renewal Conservation Areas to assist homeowners in improving their properties and where it had a fairly major impact. It also served as a key component in the Federally Assisted Code Enforcement Program (FACE) to help owners bring their properties into code compliance. And it was the source of financing in the Urban Homesteading Program where vacant properties owned by the Federal government where auctioned off for a dollar.

The 312 Loan Program had some issues. It was cumbersome and time consuming for borrowers. It took a long time to get loans approved and people often deferred work while waiting for approval. People who were savvy enough to use architects, i.e. people of higher incomes, were often the most successful in securing funds. As local governments began to use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to support housing rehab, 312 became diminished as a tool and fewer funds were allocated to it. While the 312 Loan Program currently exists in the HUD menu of programs, it has no money allocated for it.

This needs to change.

Today we are confronted with a situation that demands a significant response. We as a nation want to overcome the effects of the foreclosure crisis and return more properties to productive use. We want to increase the energy efficiency of residential properties, and we want to stimulate the economy. These efforts are hampered by the absence of capital, but they are also hampered by an anti-government investment ethos on Capitol Hill. Why should government do what the private sector can do? Why bother funding an obscure program, the kind of "legacy program" that HUD in its strategic plan wants to shift its focus from?

Here are ten reasons:

1. It is a stimulus that everyday people in cities and inner ring suburbs can see and understand. While earlier stimulus efforts have created results that people can see, a national home improvement loan program can benefit thousands of citizens directly.

2. It promotes confidence. When someone sees their neighbor down the street put on a new roof or rebuild their porch it makes them feel more confident about the future of the neighborhood and it may lead them to seek to make repairs on their own. We need to put this dynamic in place.

3. It's simple. Unlike several of the initiatives being developed by HUD that are marching down the same sad path of prior Federal interventions in cities, it is simple and understandable. It helps people and not just developers. It's not social engineering and it doesn't have a lot of moving parts. It can effectively be described in thirty seconds.

4. It's a loan and not a grant. People paid on their 312 loans. Money invested in a national home improvement loan program will get substantially returned.

5. It has a multiplier effect. It creates jobs in the construction industry as well as in the building supply and manufacturing sectors of the economy.

6. The process can be improved. We know more than we did in the 1970s about how to bring products to consumers. With new technologies around developing the scope of work, loan origination and servicing software - and the potential for outsourcing these functions-all are potential ways this program can be more accessible and user friendly. We also know more about marketing and how to effectively promote such a program.

7. A delivery system exists to get this money out. We have a host of institutions like NeighborWorks America organizations, community development corporations, Community Development Financial Institutions, as well as delivery systems that still exist in local governments that can be organized to help citizens access these resources. We also have financial institutions that have been a delivery system for tax-exempt housing bonds that also could be part of a delivery system.

8. It can generate revenue for this delivery system. Charging loan origination and rehab service fees can generate revenue for cities and other providers.

9. It can promote widespread energy conservation. Borrowers could be required to have an energy audit and make changes based on the audit findings. Borrowers who choose to install solar heat could receive an interest rate benefit for their whole project.

10. It is more "shovel ready" than many stimulus efforts. Large public works projects require significant planning. Home improvement projects require planning and bidding out jobs but this process is usually less complex.

A national home improvement loan program based on the 312 Loan Program is not a panacea for urban ills. It is not an anti-poverty program - it is a home improvement program that can benefit low-income as well as other income homeowners - and as such can have a larger constituency.

Can't the private market do this? Sure, but it isn't. Capital is not flowing like it once did. Lenders aren't doing much in the way of home improvement lending and both supply of capital and demand for such capital is down. Equity lines that financed home improvement in the last several decades have dissipated, Demand needs to be stimulated. Providing an attractively priced loan product that is marketed well can stimulate that demand.

So how much would this cost? An initial allocation of $2.5 billion would potentially generate 50,000 loans with an average loan size of $50,000. Fees charged to borrowers for rehab services and origination could produce $100,000,000 - $125,000,000 in revenues throughout the delivery chain. $20,000 in materials purchases on a $50,000 rehab job could provide $1 billion in materials purchases for 50,000 projects, along with various sales tax revenues those purchases generate. This kind of volume would provide work for thousands of contractors, laborers, architects, building suppliers, and manufacturers of building supplies. It would also provide an interest rate return for the Federal Treasury.

For a redesigned 312 Loan Program to be effective in today's environment it would need a few changes. First, change the name. 312 means nothing to anyone outside government. The name does not encourage one to borrow money. Second, raise the interest rate to 5%, but retain the ability to finance projects at 3% if they meet certain criteria, like the installation of solar energy or the rehab of a foreclosed property. Third, raise the per unit amounts to $57,000 per unit, and $75,000 for the rehab of a vacant property. Fourth, make the loan available in cities and older suburbs with no qualifying income requirements, so that people would not have to be low-income to borrow the funds.

This is a conservative program. It is about conserving what we have - our rich and diverse housing stock - by promoting maintenance and improvement. It is easy to understand. It supports rank and file homeowners and not just developers. It engages all homeowners and is not limited to low income borrowers. While driven by the Federal government it allows for partnerships with local banks and non-profits with consumer lending capacity. It has the potential to stimulate local economies and lessen the cost burdens on municipal governments. But most of all it is a loan and not a grant program. It will return money to the Treasury.

Innovation is not only inventing new things. When we look ahead for change sometimes we ignore what worked in the past. We assume that just because something was done once, its shelf life has expired and can't be done again. Reinvention is also innovation. Repositioning old products to make sense in a new situation can be just as innovative as inventing complex new programs that look good on paper but don't deliver. Let's get real. Let's keep things simple. Let's reinvent 312.

Michael Schubert is the Principal of Community Development Strategies, a consulting firm that focuses on building organizational capacity for planning, implementing, and evaluating neighborhood revitalization strategies. For the last twenty years Michael has worked with municipal and state governments, foundations, and non-profits to improve neighborhoods. He can be reached at mfscds@aol.com

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The Media in the US Is Much Better Than in Other Nations - But Still Not Good Enough

If you are a reporter in some countries, you are a marked man and the government is watching you, and one slip up and you are history, you disappear, or are thrown in jail. In the United States we have freedom of the press thankfully, and although we export our products, know-how, and services all over the world, don't expect us to be able to export that as a "new found freedom" to ports afar. In fact, many nations are busy tightening down the reins on the media, and not just newspapers and TV either. Okay so, let's discuss this for a moment shall we?

Not long ago, an acquaintance from Australia said to me; "Modern media today such as news channels do not perform a truly non biased account of the events they broadcast on."

True, but we should expect them too considering how they are paid. If a media company gets money from, oh let's say the Obama Campaign for president, then they are going to run more favorable news content when his name is mentioned, and really this happens at all levels of government, no surprise there, local newspapers cater to those who spend the most on ads too, generally. I find the Murdoch scandal in the UK interesting with the cell-phone spying as well.

It's too bad that people believe everything they view in the media, my acquaintance notes that part of the challenge is the folks are just not educated as to how the media really works, true enough I say; yes, especially kids, and the lower IQ folks just take it all in as gospel, not that gospel is any better or reality based in and of itself. For instance, as my acquaintance correctly notes; "The child grows up looking at the television for both learning and entertainment, the TV becomes effectively a third parent and in doing so we lose the battle for the child's mind."

Right and a child's mind may not recognize the difference between advertising and reality, and to my acquaintance's comments, indeed, he's right; this is an empirically proven fact, he is correct. Do we need to teach our children better about these realities, it seems we do.

As a capitalist, I do not wish to diminish the media, it's a business, and that's fine, still a little education could go a long way. Now then if we'd teach children to think and question authority we'd be there, but we teach them to submit to authority instead, perhaps as a way to ensure they grow up and do not become trouble makers to the system or status quo.

Of course in doing so, eventually some of them will wake up and be VERY Pissed-Off for being lied too, which is probably why we have Hacker Groups, Disruptors, and even some mild-version terrorists. For the "powers that be" it's a challenge of getting the mix right, and it's a trade off.

If we teach kids early on of all the deception in our society, we are indeed, teaching them to deceive, and a lack of integrity also can bring down a society or prevent it from giving future generations a fair deal. We are also teaching them to be distrustful as well. Perhaps, we ought to be teaching the "philosophical" aspect, rather than the tactics.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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What Kind of Capitalism Is Good for America?

The year was 1945, two forces joined together to beat the biggest threat in the world, fascism. To put it in simple terms, fascism was a form of government used by Nazi Germany. The forces that joined together were communism and capitalism. In today's world this would seem to be an impossible mix of ideology due to the "Cold War".

Nuclear wars were almost started as the two countries tried to prove to one another that their form of government was best for the world. Communist believe in everyone have the same or equal and capitalist believe in free-markets and only the strong and hard-working will thrive. At least this was the theory.

The "Cold War" ended in 1989 as the USA out spent the USSR in the Reagan military build up. Because of economic pressure the USSR final gasp came with the defeat in Afghanistan. The Berlin Wall soon fell after.

With the USSR style of communism defeated, all eyes were on the free-market capitalism. In the '90s the US economy boomed, and the 2000s the economy continued to grow but a new trend was starting to happen. Job creating wasn't the main focus, but making money off money was the main way of making money. The term "jobless recover" begin to be the new norm. This trend started under Ronald Reagan administration theory of trickle-down economics.

Now, the year is 2012 and in the presidential elections capitalism is on display. Republicans argue an attack on capitalism is now an attack on America as a whole, at the same time the country is witnessing the greatest unequal distribution of wealth in its history.

To help form the argument, people are now focusing on two types of capitalism "stakeholder capitalism" and "shareholder capitalism."

Stakeholder capitalism theory is stated by CNN as:

corporations are and should be quasi-public entities with responsibilities to the nation-state and to the communities in which they are embedded. The corporation should make a profit and provide a fair return to investors. At the same time, workers who contribute their labor to the company have a legitimate interest in it as well as investors who provide capital. Managers serve the company and the country, not merely the investors.

This form of capitalism would seem to be the best for a country. Corporation who care about the community is moral. The combination of stakeholder capitalism, with community churches could really boomerang this country. The poverty rate could be lowered and the middle-class could blossom under stakeholder capitalism

The theory of Shareholder capitalism is:

the corporation exists solely for the purpose of the investors, whom the managers serve as agents. In shareholder capitalism, short-term profits are the only goal, and if that means laying off workers instead of retraining them or reassigning them, breaking up the company and selling the assets to enrich private equity partners and shareholders, so be it.

This form of capitalism seems to be un-American, but Wall Street love this type of capitalism. This is the main problem for this country, outsourcing jobs to cheaper labor. Some people call this modern-day slavery. This proves that all capitalism isn't good for the country.

All capitalism isn't good for a country just like all communism isn't bad. China is a communist country and many US companies love to do business with China because of the cheap labor. Times has changed.

The moral standing in this country is under attack as the rich refuse to accept their role in society. This is why occupy wall street will continue to grow, a nation without a middle-class is a country with no class.

Jerome Furlow lives in Los Angeles CA after moving from Indianapolis IN in 2008. He's an internet entrepreneur, political freelance writer and political blogger who studied political science and history in college. Jerome is very passionate about this country and the direction it's heading. His website is http://www.everythingispolitics.org/. The content he writes about is clean-cut & informative. In the future he hopes to draw a sizable audience for an informative conversation.

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What Is the Red Shirt Friday Tradition?

What is the Red Shirt Friday Tradition and Why?

Who can forget the home coming that many of the Vietnam Vets received in the late 1960's and early 1970's? The Vietnam Conflict became a long drawn out affair and eventually public opinion slowly turned against the successful conclusion of the War. Those of us who lived through those troubled years remember very quickly how the returning Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine and Coast Guard Veterans were treated and welcomed home. Who can forget the rotten eggs, tomatoes and even a popular movie star that made a public spectacle of her self and those who heard the Call of Duty when their Country needed them? The challenges in the theater of conflict was bad enough for those that chose to wear their Country's Uniform but to be publicly humiliated and maligned was over the top.

The phrases, Jack Booted Thugs, Baby Killers, and so forth still rings loud and clear in the minds and conciousness of many of those who served in Vietnam as well as the Families and Friends of many who lost loved ones and friends. The Vietnam Memorial (The Wall) is a constant reminder to many of those days. In the heat of a political election in 2004 and 2005, we heard the same phrases about those young men and women who chose to hear the Call of Duty, when once again their Country needed them. Today's Military is All Voluntary! Since September 11, 2001, there have been over five million (5,000,000) young men and women, just in the United States alone step up to the plate for their Country! Many of America's friends and allies also came to our aid and volunteered their fighting forces to take it to the people that attacked America on that day.

This time though, it was going to be different! The Silent Majority and many of the Vietnam Vets said, "Enough is Enough!" The Red Shirt Friday Tradition Was Born! Slowly but surely that Tradition was catching on, not only in the United States but Canada as well and many of us have taken it by advertising and conferences to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and beyond. In 2005, Deb and I had two of our sons, Scotty and Tony, were in the United States Army. So it was a natural for us. They loved to hear that Mom and Dad were proud of them and that Mom and Dad said they were heroes to them. Our Two Boys, along with the over Five Million other Young Men and Women who answered the Call of Duty, WERE NOT DRAFTED OR EVEN HAD THE REMOTES THOUGHT OF BEING DRAFTED! As our two sons said to us: "We want to do what you, Papa, Uncle Jim and Uncle Frank did!" I knew what that meant and so did my Dad and two brothers. They, like so many others, wanted to be a part of the solution.

What the Red Shirt Friday Tradition is:

1) It is our way of very simply wearing a red shirt on Friday to honor their commitment

2) It is our way of showing them that we appreciate their Call to Duty

3) It is our way to let them know that they are heroes to us

What the Red Shirt Friday Tradition is Not:

1) It is not political in any way, we have turned down several politicians who wanted to capitalize on it

2) It in no way shows a support for or against the Global War on Terror

Those of us who commit to the Red Shirt Friday Tradition will do so, Until They All Come Home!

Sam and Deb Burgess have been very active and vocal supporters of the Red Shirt Friday Tradition since the Fall of 2005. We have done numerous presentations, interviews and articles regarding the Red Shirt Friday Tradition, Until They All Come Home! On the Red Shirt Friday site you will find many articles, pictures, videos, and interviews regarding the tradition.

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Groundhog Day - A Little Science

Groundhogs day is the second of February, where groundhogs emerge from their burrows early in the morning. Once they're out of the burrow they do one of two things: either they continue with what they started, or they go back for 6 more weeks.

The legend says that when they emerge in a sunny day and they see their shadows they predict 6 more weeks of harsh winter and decide to hide in their burrows for 6 more weeks. If that day is cloudy and they don't see their shadows they predict a nice spring weather in 2 weeks and they stay.

Money wise it's a nice idea. People gather early in the mornings for the groundhogs day festivals where they are celebrated and tourists spend money on their transportation, accommodation, food, and entertainment. Relying on those predictions is another story.

Let's use a little bit of science. The critter was hiding under the ground for months, where its dark. Naturally when they go out and it's too bright on a sunny day their eyes are not going to take it. Also naturally when they get out of their burrows they look towards the north west where the sun is to their backs. And this direction where they're looking is where their shadows are, so whether they see their shadows or not, this is where they are looking.

On another level, the predictions made by people watching the behavior of groundhogs on this day are not always accurate. In fact, they are only accurate 37% of the time. Now let's remember some of the probability math we studied in the school. We have four variables here: sunny vs. cloudy, and good weather vs. bad. From the behavior of the animal sunny groundhogs days are always accompanied by a prediction of bad weather, and cloudy days are linked to good weather.

This reduces our variables to only two: sunny days with prediction of bad weather vs. cloudy days with good weather coming ahead. This is exactly like the two probabilities in throwing one coin. Each side gets 50% chance of showing on top every time you throw it.

Compare that to the accuracy of the weather predictions made by the groundhogs event planner. This is not even as good as throwing a coin.

But at the end of the day it's a nice tradition that keeps people attached to nature and to mother Earth a way or another, which is a very attractive outcome of the event if nothing else.

More funny stuff about groundhogs day can be found on this website: http://free-giftcard.net/?p=161

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Garrett A Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program

The Federal Highway Administration, otherwise known as the FHWA, is an agency operating in the United States Department of Transportation that is largely answerable for the management of the country's road transportation system.

The programs and initiatives of the FHWA are constantly steered by its general agency mission which is to"improve mobility on our Community's highways through nationwide leadership, innovation, and programme delivery."

In line with this mission, the Federal Highway Administration has just established the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program whereby it aims to improve the readiness of scholars in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by way of the application of curriculum development and a number of other activities that are related to transportation education.

The activities that are included in this investigation can include the following:

a) Internship programs that offer the target students with the experience in the transportation field

b) Programs and activities which will enable scholars to spend time observing active scientist and engineers while they're immersed in the transportation field

c) Programs and activities that highlight the development of applicable curriculum pertaining to examples and issues that are linked with transportation

The program is at first built to develop programmes that are aimed at the improvement of the target students' capabilities in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

The target scholars of the program are those who fall under the elementary and secondary college levels.

The Federal Highway Administration is set to administer funds in the amount of $1,800,000 to support the initiatives of 18 grant awardees as well as to financially support the appropriate planning, implementation, and execution of the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program.

The establishments and setups that are able to submit an application under the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program are the following:

a) Local education agencies (LEA)

b) State educational agencies (SEA)

Business establishments, non-profit, and for profit organizations are also eligible to enter into a cooperative agreement with the LEAs and SEAs to assist in the process of implementing the actions of the programme.

The Department of Transportation, the most important agency that's financing the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program, is the nation's leading agency that is responsible for ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that is literally capable of meeting the requirements of the American people.

Michael Saunders is an editor of TopGovernmentGrants.com. He maintains Websites providing resources on small business grants and home improvement grants.

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Top Five Most Popular Videos of the Queen Online

The beautiful thing about the internet is that anyone has access to a plethora of stock footage beneath their fingertips. Any person is able to look back through time and watch and hear key moments in history from the comfort of their homes, gaining knowledge and understanding about our own history as humankind. As we move into 2012 in the UK, it is important to note that Queen Elizabeth II approaches the 60th anniversary of her reign; we can take a look back through her defining online moments - which have proved most popular with audiences all over the world.

Search any of these following titles on YouTube to find the referenced videos.

"The Queen's Arrival at the Funeral of Diana Princess of Wales"

This is remembered as one of the upsetting days in recent English history. The catastrophic event of Diana's death bought gloom to the nation, perhaps to the World, whilst unfortunately being the cause of much controversy and conspiracy surrounding the Royals. The stock footage of the Queen arriving at the funeral is one of the most watched videos on the internet her Royal Majesty is featured in.

"Queen snubs Prince Charles' wife Camilla at the Royal Wedding!!!"

In this online video the Queen Mother, the Queen is shown to ignore Prince Charles's wife Camilla Parker Bowles at the Royal Wedding in 2011. The relationship between the Queen Mother and Camilla has always been slightly dubious for many reasons - however a clever cameraman seemed to pick up this small leak, capturing the real sentiment the Queen towards Camilla.

"The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II "

In this rare stock footage in black and white from 1953, we see the BBC footage of Elizabeth becoming Queen Elizabeth II. In front of around ten thousand people, Prime Ministers, heads of states and Commonwealth; Elizabeth takes a Coronation oath bound to serve her people and maintain the laws of God. One of the most important national moments in living UK history, which clocks in just under 800,000 thousand hits.

"The Queen is almost assaulted... "

The misleading title is probably what attracted nearly 350,000 people to watching it. At the 'Trooping of the Colours' in 2006 a streaker covered only by a union jack flag tried to 'get a closer look' at the Queen and ran towards her from the crowd who was only to be heavily restrained from security and trooping Beefeaters. The Queen did not comment on the incident, but I'm sure the Queen was not amused.

"Queen humiliates President Obama at Buckingham Palace by refusing toast - May 24 2011"

In May 2011, the American President Barack Obama came to Buckingham Palace for a banquet. Obama whilst giving his toast stopped for a poignant pause which the orchestra mistook for the end and struck up 'God Save The Queen' - which then Obama toasted. The Queen did not respond till the Orchestra had finished, as is tradition. Many unhappy Americans mistook this for downright rudeness, even though Obama understood his mistake and joked about it with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg describing the mishap as 'out of the movies'. Not the strongest stock footage of the Queen, but popular all the same.

Xavier Tibu was born 1982 in Dalston, London. After leaving school, Xavier took a long stint in the music profession working as a session musician to some top UK artists. On the side, Xavier likes to write. Hopefully you will enjoy his articles.


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Is The Justice Department Over Reaching On Fraud Enforcement in An Election Year?

It seems whenever there is a tough economy, there are more shysters who come out of the woodwork. This makes sense of course because if money is tight, and fewer people to get a job, it's more difficult for these culprits to get a real job to use their cunning and intellectual abilities for positive purposes such as making a profit in their own small businesses. Okay so, I'd like to talk about this for a moment if I might.

You see, I've also noticed another trend. Whenever there is a major election going on, candidates claim that when they get into office they will stop the crime, scams, and fraud. It's hard to say why they do this - perhaps they are redirecting attention away from themselves and their own political shenanigans. But I would suspect that's not the only reason. It's because negative events make better headlines, and if a politician can point at some negative event, and then claim they will fix it, all the suddenly more voters take interest.

In fact, I think a little bit of that is going on right now. There was an interesting piece recently on the FBI website which was of value to discuss, the title of the government press release was; "Attorney General Eric Holder Launches Consumer Protection Working Group to Combat Consumer Fraud Working Group Created Under President Obama's Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force Brings Together Federal, State, and Local Partners," and it appeared on their site on February 13, 2011.

The reality is - we already have the government bureaucracy to take care of some of these problems, not to mention lots of law enforcement agencies. So why is it now that the Obama Administration wants to jump on this right away, during an election year. How come they didn't work on this problem in the last couple of years? It is not as if there was ever a shortage of dishonest people in the world, so why now?

Another comment that I would like to make, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, is that I guess my biggest question is; when will the FBI investigate the Obama Administration for abuse of law, violating the constitution, and other fraudulent activity (in my opinion)? Seriously, let's talk about that and not just because it's an election year, we can wait until after the election to seek justice and return things back to the rule of law.

If the Obama Administration is merely trying to secure their proposed budget by showing that they need more money to do the job, then the DOJ should have been doing it all along. As we look for things such as corporate malfeasance, how about government administrative and executive leadership malfeasance? Well, I dare to ask the question, yes even in an election year. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Online Crimes. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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Diaries Of A Disgustingly Rich Individual

Many plebeians (or "plebs" as we high-society folks call them) often ask me (from a distance, of course, since I don't go next to poor people) what is it like being so disgustingly wealthy. Buying all those rich people things, doing all that rich people stuff. Despite what you have heard about being rich, and how money can't buy you happiness, let me tell you... being rich is great. It is more important than being kind, generous, smart, eloquent, and maintaining use of your arms and legs.

Let's talk about getting rich. Many people will tell you saving, prudent investing, and hard work will get you rich. This is a fallacy. If someone was actually rich they wouldn't waste their time talking to you. The best way to become rich is to be born wealthy. Where you not born wealthy? Too bad! You've already missed out on the best way to become disgustingly rich.

Another way to become rich is to be completely heartless. As Forbes' richest man of the year Mr. Montgomery Burns said "I'll keep it short and sweet. Family, religion, friendship... these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business". I couldn't agree more. Don't think that being cruel is a one way ticket to your own private island, however. There are a lot of poor mean people. You will certainly not get rich being nice though, so don't waste your time with "please" and "thank you."

Some people may be wondering what us high society types do with our time, because we certainly don't work. I spend a lot of time spending money, pranking on the plebs, making extravagant wagers, and funneling champagne and prescription drugs down my throat. Also, I ride horses, but only ones made entierly out of gold. When I am not riding my gold horse I skeet-shoot Faberge eggs.

I may collect horses made out of precious metals, but every rich person collects different luxury items. My father collects catamarans made out of whale bone. My brother collects orphanages (he clears out the orphans). My mother, she enjoys collecting erotic art. We, the richest people, need to occupy our time somehow, am I right?

Thanks to recent changes in the capital gains tax you no longer need to work to earn big money. Since investment and interest are taxed at a dramatically low rate these days I probably pay lower taxes than a family of five on welfare. You have got to love those Bush years.

So in to all those aspiring rich people out there, don't try. American social mobility died a long time ago. It is a myth. If you are born poor you will die poor. Toodles!

Luxury OD is a member of the AJ Blog Network, a Mecca of blog sites that provided fresh blog content on a daily basis. Check out more posts from Luxury OD and a series of other fantastic blog sites at http://www.ajblognetwork.com/.

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Are the New Girl's LEGO's Politically Correct?

This politically correct nonsense has to be reined in.

It is has gone overboard.

It has gone too far and "jumped the shark!"

Now what happened you may ask?

Recently, various protest groups object that the new Girl's LEGOs "promote an overt form of sexism." They scream being pretty is more important than what you can do.

They have fashionable hair styles discriminating against the poor.

The Girl LEGOs are too slim therefore ostracizing overweight little girls and they dress at a middle to upper class level so the poor cannot relate or feel improper pressure.


Probably somehow the pegs and the holes on the bottom of the pieces symbolize something too!

This is HOGWASH!

These are toys and only twisted adults with too much time on their hands could think like this!

Personally I can't believe this is even making the news!

Did you hear that Barbie wears too much expensive jewelry?

Plastic surgeons also want Barbie to go back to her original bust size because now she doesn't reflect all the enhancements that millions are spent on enhancements each and every year. With an average bust on Barbie, millions maybe billions of dollars are being lost by these poor doctors.

Is this fair??

GI Joe carried a gun so he must be in favor of killing and violence!

Train sets have locomotives that bellow smoke and pollute the environment. They are not "green!"

Rock 'em Sock 'em robots are in favor of bullying and just want to fight! They are the cause of all violence in our schools!

Sorry is a game that doesn't apologize in a polite and full manor - it's apologies are way too terse!

Monopoly?-Nope they are illegal and only played in Washington DC and in election years when BIG donations are sought.

Tinker Toys-they did not pull all necessary permits to begin construction and are structurally unsafe.

Lincoln Logs-they have to be renamed as all other past and current Presidents are offended that the logs aren't named after them. (Roosevelt Logs?)

Baby Dolls can't be sold as the pro-life people think they should have been aborted before they hit the shelves!!

Blah, blah, blah.

My God, let the kids play!

Let them have fun.

Let them grow up.

Let them use their imaginations and play over,and around any objections they may find.

Forget the objections found by Mom, found by Dad!

I can't believe the junk our media picks up and endorses.

Where does it stop?

When does it stop?

I'm worried for kids today and the children of the future.

Please, let children be children.

My hope, my wish is that by the time the kids playing with LEGOs grow up, we will fix the silly laws, the silly rules, the silly thinking that has polluted our everyday lives.

It's time to speak up and let the goof balls out there know they are goof balls.

Be assertive, take a stance, get involved and reclaim America for the land that MOST of us love!

Doug Evans is a business/life coach who has helped many people locate where they are "stuck" and move in the direction of their dreams. Doug is available to work with individuals, small groups or corporate staff. Watch for his speaking schedule in your area. Reestablishing dreaming, goal setting, goal accomplishment, master minding, marketing and embracing change all are favorite topics to speak on or help with.

For more information, please visit our website http://discoveryourmissingpower.com/

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Sound and Fury, Media, Sports, and Distraction of the Mindless Masses

Some might love to use social networks, and who can blame them as they are designed for people to communicate in a way that makes them feel good about themselves. In China, the government wants to limit the time spent on social networks, as they want a productive and obedient society. That makes sense, 1.3 Billion people, with an unbalanced percentage of males, is quite a handful. In the US we see a dummying down of our populations - sure TV, social networks, and all the time wasted is not doing us any good. Okay so let's talk.

Not long ago, I was having this discussion with an acquaintance. Should we outlaw the use of social networks and limit people's TV time? Well, I believe we should allow people their pursuit of happiness, I don't want to limit their choices on how they spend their time, I don't want the heavy hand of government telling me what I must do either you see. My acquaintance noted;

"I agree with what you're saying about people's personal choices and decisions to make their lives happier. I understand that the most basic level people only want to be happy, the issue we run into is what makes one person happy does not serve everyone in the same way. Distraction is a tool in controlling the masses. Originally the distraction was religion over the years as science progressed leaders have found that mass media can replace religion in this area."

It seems the Aztecs, Romans, and other cultures used sports - fighting to the death. Some cultures had linked it to "penalties" for going against the rule of law, generally unilaterally made by some psychotic ruler, I use "psychotic" here as an extreme form of "psychopathic-psychotic" Machiavelli type.

Both my acquaintance and I did agree that we ought to enlighten and get our kids to understand how the media is affecting their minds, and thus, help them make reason of it all and then decide. That would be a great idea, and we might start by having them read up on Media Philosophers like; Herbert Marshall McLuhan, the famous Canadian media philosopher.

Right now, coincidentally, I am reading OBD - Obsessive Brand Disorder and have several books on the media worthy of reading. Often I equate the Media to being the Fourth Branch of Government in the US, as our government is set up with a Judicial, Legislative, and Executive Branch, but the Media controls all three it seems, as the government caters to the wishes of the people, which changes on a whim due to the media which owns the minds of the masses now. "He who controls the media, controls the minds of the masses," as someone once said. So, let's all please consider all this.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program

The Federal Bureau of Prisons, more usually known as BOP, is a federal law enforcement agency operating within the United States Department of Justice that's essentially accountable for the administration of the country's federal prison system.

The grants and programs of the BOP are all geared towards the achievement of its general agency mission which is to "protect society by confining offenders in the controlled environments of prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and suitably secure, and that provide work and other self-development opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens."

As per this mission, the Federal Bureau of Prisons has recently constituted the development of the Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program whereby it will solicit applications for the revision of its existing Jail Resource Management Training Program.

The existing Jail Resource Management Programme is generally attended by sheriffs and a number of other jail directors. The program offers a 3-day training course that principally concentrates on the resource needs of a jail, including the development and presentation of a budget request, the determination of alternative funding options, and the management of a jail's budget.

The Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program plans to enhance the current Jail Resource Management Programme in an attempt to maximise the resources of the state's jail centers.

The grant awardees will be asked to work closely with the Federal Bureau of Prisons staff for a project period of nine months. To be considered worthy, an applicant must be able to manifest knowledge in the following areas:

a) The purpose, functions, and operational difficulties of local jails

b) The budget-related concerns in jails

c) The analysis of jail resource needs

d) The development and presentation of a convincing budget request to suitable ruling bodies

e) The resource restrictions that are experienced by various local jails and central authorities.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is about to administer funding in the sum of $80,000 to support the execution of the project.

The institutions and associations that'll be deemed eligible to take part in the Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program are the following:

a) State or general unit of local government

b) Private agencies

c) Educational institutions

d) Individuals or groups that may manifest expertise in the areas in focus.

All of the institutions and setups mentioned above will be given the opportunity to submit an application under the program as long as they can demonstrate their ability to successfully carry out the activities included in the project.

Michael Saunders is an editor of TopGovernmentGrants.com. He maintains Websites providing resources on small business grants and home improvement grants.

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News Media Trends for 2012

Well, they say election years are great years for the news media, and since 2012 is an election year, and there looks to be a heated race between the GOP and President Obama's reelection committee, you can be sure that lots of dollars will be flowing into the news media. Indeed it couldn't come at a better time, or at a more crucial time as media outlets have been laying off, and watching their viewership and readership dwindle.

As you probably know most of the reason for this has to do with online social networks and the amount of time people are spending online. Some of the top media outlet companies are now putting their news online and making available for mobile users with smart phones, iPads, and tablets to be viewed. Luckily, they are also harnessing their advertisers and taking them on the road as well, this gives a reprieve to a severely downtrodden news media industry.

One interesting new trend that I am watching this year is the concept of news articles being put into collections that can be downloaded by subscribers for viewing on their e-reader personal tech devices. In other words the New York Times for instance might take all the articles on Afghanistan and put them together in a collection or e-book and sell them for a $1.99 let's say, and you will have essentially an e-book which is nothing more than all the articles on that particular topic. Since the content has already been created previously, it's an excellent new income stream.

Another interesting new trend that I find fascinating is the outsourcing of new staff to places like India. Someone in the newsroom here the United States will collect all the e-mail addresses, and phone numbers for various news article sources, and then have someone in India contact these individuals collecting digital pictures as well, and doing all the work in India over the Internet and sending it back to the news outlet for publication or uploading on their websites. I find that completely fascinating, and we will see that trend continue as local news companies do this, and as larger news companies are also forced to do it to save costs and compete.

In 2012 we will see more and more stories that have been created from compiling facts in online news. We will also see the use of Social Media data extraction determining which stories to run, allowing newsrooms and editors to determine the placement of stories based on surveying the interests of the public online. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and consider how the media will change in 2012, because changes are afoot.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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Thermal Imaging Cameras - How They Can Help Firefighters in Action

Thermal Imaging Cameras

A fire department with old thermal imaging cameras would be wise to look at purchasing a newer model. Existing cameras might no longer have parts and repairs that would be supported by the manufacturer. In fact, many times parts are non-existent. The batteries often fail in at least one of the cameras at a time when it is truly needed. Many times, and older unit is in for repair. If this happens simultaneously to both, then this would leaves a department without any thermal imaging camera at all.

The goal is to have interior attack firefighter teams use the cameras. They would provide visibility to identify the fire source and to protect firefighters from unseen hazards as well as indicating the temperature inside the structure. This would greatly enhance the safety of our firefighters and provide another resource for search and rescue operations.

One can expect to budget about $8,000- $9,000 for a decent unit that meets all of the required NFPA 1801 standards. Such a camera would have a Digital Fahrenheit Readout, Temperature Awareness Colorization, Truck Mount Charging Station, and a Spare Battery.

The new units would have greater safety features than those of the old generation. These are lighter and less cumbersome. Their display screen is much easier to read, especially in difficult and dark places.

Departments should have a minimum of two such cameras. During a fire event, there are usually at least two different attack teams. With two units in service, both teams will be able to enjoy the safety of having immediate information regarding hear source, temperature and location, etc.

Cameras are of course able to show a heat source indicating victim location. This is not all that they can do as they provide vital information about heat source and hot spots. Such information is valuable in fire attack, and can prevent spread of fire since a firefighting team can put out a fire within a wall at a very specific location before the fire spreads. Another excellent use feature is that a firefighter can use the camera to check for hot spots that might re-kindle after the fire department has left a scene. A quick check with the camera can identify a source of heat not visible to the human eye, giving the attending department the ability to rectify the situation before a full-blown fire occurs either once again in a location or somewhere else in the structure.

Often times, a fire department can find a grant in order to purchase the unit. The Assistance to Firefighters Grant, or AFG, is an excellent source of funding.

Margaret L Ned



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Are No Notice Inspections Good For Schools?

During the early period of January, Ofsted, the independent inspectorate, announced it will be conducting a no notice period for all regular school inspections from September 2012.

Previously, inspections were performed on a six-year cycle. However, this changed in September 2005. Many, including teachers criticised the six-year cycle which involved a week-long inspection after a two-month notice period. Critics argued the system allowed schools to portray a different face to their normal day-to-day appearance and disrupted the normal operations of schools. From September 2005 the inspection cycle decreased to every three years with a two-day notice period, the inspection usually lasting two to three days.

However, the present system has obtained similar criticism. Aminur Alkas a secondary school teacher in South London believes that inspections without prior notice is the only way to really gauge the delivery of education in a school setting, "schools can roughly judge the cycle, a bow tie comes out when the letter arrives and inspections hinge heavily on the leniency of the head inspector."

His views are obviously shared by Ofsted, who in September 2012 will be adopting inspections to be conducted without notice. Sir Michael Wilshaw, Ofsted's chief inspector explaining the plans said: 'Ofsted has been moving towards a position of unannounced school inspection over a period of years. I believe the time is now right for us to take that final step and make sure that for every school we visit inspectors are seeing schools as they really are in the corridors, classrooms and staff room.' An obstacle that was preventing unannounced inspections in the past were parent questionnaires, this has now been overcome with the introduction of online questionnaires.

But is this system really good? Teachers often complain of overload, not enough support and too much red tape. Nearly half of all newly qualified teachers leave the profession within five years, will the added pressure increase this statistic?

The National Association of Head Teachers said the move to no-notice school inspections was an empty gesture which would "alienate schools while doing nothing to support rising standards."

General secretary Russell Hobby said: "If a school could conceal evidence of widespread failure in just two days then the whole concept of inspection is flawed and Ofsted's protestations that it examines progress and behaviour over the long-term ring hollow."

The pressure of delivering everyday is extremely difficult in any profession. Teaching is a profession that requires professional measure with a personal pinch to captivate students. The pressure will also be on pupils with the threat of unwanted guests in the classroom or the 'white elephant' at any given time.

It also gives an impression that lower achieving schools are 'taking it lightly' and need an eye over the shoulder.

The system has its support and critics but Ofsted's experience in dealing with failing school by exerting regular visits will give it confidence. We must wait and see if the new introduction raises the standards of education to a required level in the country.

Amin Rashid, topical commenter with School Management Software

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A Year of Manifestation (5)

"...I am the God of your ancestors - the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob," Exodus 3:6

When God knew that He had caught Moses' attention through the strange fire in the bush, He then introduced himself. He told Moses that He was (is) the God of his ancestors - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Great! God will not introduce or show you His glory until you have given Him your attention. This is basic. And most times, He uses situations, circumstance, miracles, healing, deliverance, signs and wonders, and even unpleasant situations to attract our attention. We must always be vigilant to know when God is speaking to us through situations and events. This year, prepare to experience Him in a way that you have never. He will sure introduce Himself to you.

Now, why did He need to tell Moses that He was (is) the God of those three Hebrew Patriarchs? Sure, He wanted to show that He is the God that keeps relationships, covenants and promises. He had had a very robust relationship with these men in the past. And throughout that period He kept promising to make a great nation from them. He also told them that their children shall be blessed, innumerable, prosperous, mighty and powerful, and shall be called the people of God; for He shall always favor and be with them. And He sealed these great promises with series and levels of covenants. Wow! God of commitment!

To Abraham, God had told him from the beginning of their relationship that he should leave his country, relatives, and father's house to where He would direct Abraham promising to make him the father of a great nation. Then later, after performing a sacrifice as directed, He told him, "You can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, and they will be oppressed as slaves for four hundred years. But I will punish the nation that enslaves them, and in the end they will come away with great wealth... So the LORD made a covenant with Abram that day and said, 'I have given this land to your descendants, all the way from the border of Egypt..." Genesis chapter fifteen, verses nine to twenty-one. Then for Isaac, God also gave the same promises. You remember when he wanted to run down to Egypt during the famine and God stopped him, asked him to stay in Gerar; dishing out same wonderful promises to him and his descendants if they would obey Him.

Now to Jacob, you also remember when he escaped Beersheba going towards Haran and at night, as he was sleeping on a stone lonely, tired, frustration and full of fears, suddenly, he saw a stairway that reached heaven from earth. Angels were going up and down it and the LORD standing on top spoke these same promises to Jacob; even in a more reassuring tone. God of Covenants! Are you seeing how He was passing the same promises, covenants, relationship and love from one generation to the other? Even after hundreds of years, He still came to Horeb to give the same assurance to Moses. He declared to him that He was (is) the God of their fathers. I have variously said in this column and in others that the best asset you can bequeath your children and descendants is a divine covenant with God. Yes, that's true! It is more powerful, valuable and durable than any material wealth. Now, what are you leaving behind for your children?? Money, estates, and businesses. Yes, all these are good. But without God they will leave your children with more confusion, sorrow and godlessness. It is only a divine covenant that will ensure that they always qualify for God's mercy and help even hundreds of years after you exit. Just look at how God was protecting, preserving, passing and performing those promises just because of one man's faith, faithfulness and friendship. Abraham attracted an eternally-generational covenant by his faithfulness and consistent walk with God.

So, God looked at the people of Israel on the basis of His covenant with their ancestors and remembered His promises. He can never forget His promises. He also saw their suffering and pain, then assured Moses that He had heard their cries. God has seen all you've been going through. He has seen your pains, disappointments, abuses, rejections, shame and mockery. And He has decided to manifest in your situation. His covenant with us in Christ Jesus will speak for you today. And if you still don't have any, I would like you to quickly bow down your head and begin to confess your sins to Him. Ask Him to forgive you and come into your life to become your Lord and Savior. Don't ever go back to sin. I pray that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God of the Hebrews will manifest Himself to you and in your situation today in the mighty name of Jesus! Write and share your testimonies with us. Till next, God bless you! http://www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo

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Introduction to Islamic Banking

The most distinguishing feature of the Islamic economic system is the prohibition of interest. Islamic economic principles have prominently been applied in financial industry especially in banking. Islamic Finance is growing in multiple dimensions and is now spreading in other financial sectors like insurance, structured finance, project finance, mutual funds, syndicated finance, investment banking etc. On the geographical level too, Islamic banking has grown from Middle East to Europe and now is well positioned in South Asian markets as well.

Shariah compliance also ensures Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ethical compliance. Islamic banks do not conduct business with companies producing tobacco, alcohol or engaged in business of gambling, casino, nightclubs, prostitution etc. This mechanism has given Islamic banking the name of 'ethical banking' in Europe.

The balance sheet of Islamic banks is capable of taking financial shocks. Islamic banks are not obliged to give fixed return to their depositors and general creditors. The creditors, shareholders and depositors share and participate in the bank's business. Therefore, if incase, there is a shock on asset side (NPL increasing), Islamic banks will be able to share this loss with their depositors and shareholders.

Islamic banks cannot rollover loans. Therefore, the packaging and repackaging of loans and then issuing more and more debt securities on the back of these non performing loans cannot legally happen in Islamic Banks. Islamic banks are obliged to have backing of assets in all their investments. Therefore, Islamic banks losses even theoretically cannot go beyond the value of the real asset.

Financing Operations of Islamic Banks

For the provision of finance, following modes are used in Islamic banking.

Diminishing Musharakah

In Diminishing Musharakah, the customer approaches the bank for joint purchase of an asset/property. It is referred to as 'Diminishing Musharakah' because the ownership stake of the tenant increases and that of the bank decreases or diminishes with the passage of time. The rent decreases as the ownership stake of tenant increases. The share of the bank in asset/property is divided into units. These units are purchased by the customer periodically until he has purchased all the units. After the customer has purchased all the units of the bank, he becomes the sole owner of the asset/property.

Murabaha Muajjal

Murabaha is a deferred payment sale transaction. Murabaha is used in working capital financing, SME financing and trade financing. The Process flow of Murabaha is as follows:

Islamic bank and the client sign a Master Murabaha Finance Agreement and an agency agreement. According to the agency agreement, the customer purchases goods from the supplier on bank's behalf. The customer undertakes to purchase the asset from the bank. It is a one-sided promise and undertaking. The bank pays the supplier and obtains title and physical/constructive possession of the asset. The customer signs a declaration that he has purchased the goods on bank's behalf and now he is willing to purchase the asset. After offer and acceptance, sale is executed and the customer pays the agreed price to the bank.


Ijarah means to give something on rent. In Ijarah, right of use of a property is transferred to another person for a consideration. The process flow is as follows:

The customer approaches the bank for obtaining an asset on lease. The customer undertakes to make periodic lease payments for the lease period. Lease agreement and agency agreement is signed. The customer as an agent to the bank buys the asset. Bank receives the title of the asset and pays the vendor. The bank leases the asset and the customer starts using the asset and pays rent for each period. In the end, the customer can purchase the asset from the bank by way of a separate purchase agreement.


It is used in financing goods and services that are not ready for spot sale and will have to be delivered later. In Salam, payment is spot, but the delivery is deferred. It is used in special cases to facilitate transactions. In current practice, it is used in currency trade as an alternative for bill of exchange discounting and in agriculture financing.


It is used in financing goods that are not yet ready for sale and will have to be manufactured. Example includes tailoring services, architect services etc. It is an order to producer to manufacture a specific commodity for the purchaser. It is used in pre-shipment exports financing and usable in all other situations where goods have to be manufactured before sale.

Deposit Side Operations of Islamic Banks

The two main categories of deposits are checking accounts and non-checking accounts. Some accounts are remunerative and some are non-remunerative. For offering deposit products, following modes are used in Islamic banking.

Non-Remunerative Accounts

Current Account is an example of a non-remunerative checking account. The money deposited in such account is considered 'Qard' (Non-interest bearing loan). The money is invested in the fund by the bank. Bank utilizes the money to invest in Ijarah, Murabaha, Diminishing Musharakah, Salam, Istisna etc. The money is payable on demand.

Remunerative Accounts

Remunerative accounts can be checking i.e. Savings Account or non-checking accounts i.e. Term Deposits. The money is invested in the fund. The bank acts as 'Mudarib' i.e. 'Fund Manager' and the customer acts as 'Rabb-ul-maal' i.e. 'investor'.

The money is only invested in Shariah compliant assets. Bank utilizes the money to invest in Ijarah, Murabaha, Diminishing Musharakah, Salam, Istisna etc. The Weightage is assigned to each category of investment that is stated to the customer at the outset. Profit is declared at the start of the month for the previous month based on the weightage previously announced. Profit is paid out of the actual Gross Income.

HalalTamweel.com is an Islamic Finance Portal with a clear aim to bridge the gap between the Investors seeking Shari'ah compliant investment options and the financial institutions offering the Shari'ah compliant solutions. In our exclusive Islamic Finance portal, we cover all aspects of investment options i.e. from simple saving account to Shari'ah compliant mutual funds, and Halal stocks. Also featured in our website are details of various financing facilities available for the purchase of assets like automobiles and homes for a consumer seeking Shari'ah compliant financing solutions.
The site provides the critical financial data on these products and the related news to help investors make the best decision on their investment in Islamic finance universe. The site also endeavors to guide Investors on different concepts of Islamic finance and increase their understanding of the subject.
We have an aim to provide financial planning to high net worth individuals, businesses and families with the goal of growing long term wealth complying with Islamic principles. We provide our expertise in investment management, estate planning, legal planning and tax planning through our in-house research expertise and through our publications in which many experts share their expert insights.
We hope and endeavor to serve our visitors and clients the best way we can. Wassalam

Sheikh Umer Sohail


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Ensuring Crowd Safety at Major Events

Organising an event that's likely to gather large crowds? Your priority should always be human safety. Make sure you consider this crucial factor in every decision you make. Don't jeopardise human lives, your event and reputation by making ill judgments. Plan ahead using common sense and keeping in mind the following tips.

Venue Safety

If you're not qualified in events management, your safest bet is to select a professional venue with experience in catering for large groups, and professionals on hand to deal with licensing and carrying out safety procedures.

While it may be tempting to just throw a party or a festival in an abandoned field, it's really not as simple as you'd think. You'll need to go through a long process of obtaining official authorisation. The venue and entire event will be assessed to ensure safety is taken care of. Staff checks will also be made to evaluate professionalism and skills.

Basic factors to look out for in any venue are dead ends, steep slopes, uneven surfaces, many routes leading into one and slippery areas. These could all impinge on people's safety by blocking escape routes or making them inaccessible, or causing massive pile-ups, in which people could potentially be crushed to death.

Consider the amount of restrooms in the venue and whether there are enough for the amount of people expected to turn up.

Staff Required

You never know what kind of people might show up at your event and how individuals will interact with each other. Therefore you need to provide security staff who know how to tackle fights and disperse riots. They can also help control crowds by removing persons whose behaviour is limiting other attendees' enjoyment of the event. Consider security checks at the door before letting people into the venue.

First aiders or fully qualified medical staff are a legal requirement. Make sure your team of organisers is educated in performing first aid. A great team-building activity is to attend a course together.

Don't forget general staff like ticket controllers, cleaners and bar staff. They need to be fully informed about the details of the event so they can do the best job possible and contribute to success. Select them early on in the organising process and train them well.

Temperature and Hydration

Make sure water is readily available at numerous points throughout the venue to avoid participants getting dehydrated.

Air-conditioning and other temperature control devices are vital in ensuring crowds don't get overheated and people don't start fainting or suffering from other health problems. Always check with the venue if they have the appropriate equipment or whether they rely on rented temperature control mechanisms, in which case costs will most likely have to be covered by the organisers.

Harvey McEwan writes to offer information and advice on a variety of areas, from technology to holiday destinations. Read through Harvey's other articles here to find out more.

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Global Newswire

A newswire, sometimes also referred to as a news agency or a wire service specializes in offering news reports to newspapers, magazines as well news outlets on radio and television. The first news agency, Agence France-Presse, was founded in 1835 by Charles-Louis Havas - it was initially called Agence Havas. For decades after the establishment of the first news agencies, news reports had to be sent through ships, post trains and carrier pigeons. Reuters, founded by Paul Reuter, one of Havas' employees relied on carrier pigeons for decades until the telegraph links were established. Agence Havas, Reuters, and Wolffs Telegraphisches Bureau, founded by another of Havas' employees, Bernhard Wolff, remained the most important news agencies in Europe for over 75 years.

Today, there are dozens of news agencies relying phone, fax and the Internet to receive and distribute news from almost anywhere in the world. Indeed we've come a long way from the age of the post trains and the carrier pigeons with the global newswires able to convey the news of even a minor incident happening anywhere to almost every part of the world in the blink of an eye.

Global newswires today are used by the academics and the researchers in addition to the media outlets, reporters, bloggers and journalists who want to find out more about a topic. They offer news reports ranging from everything from politics, business and finance to showbiz, weather and sports etc.

For businesses who have something newsworthy to report to their customers as well as the people at large, global newswires are the best way to reach their target audience. Product launches, upcoming events, personnels change at the company, awards and honors etc are only some of the things that companies create press releases for and send to the newswires. Quarterly reports as well as news that the shareholders of a company might find interesting are also disseminated through the global newswires.

While some of the newswires require their users, which usually include newspapers, magazines, TV channels and other media outlets, to pay a subscription fee, others rely on a slightly different business model to generate their revenue. They use the traffic that is attracted by the great content on their website as their revenue stream. Some newswires also require a subscription fee from the organizations and businesses who want to send their press releases to the journalists, bloggers and media outlets etc.

Aliya vine is a marketing head with an extensive knowledge about the marketing world, the extent of which can be deduced from the various articles that she has written. Currently she is writing articles which would enable you to market your message in an effective manner. For further understanding visit: Global Newswire

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Regulatory Challenges and the Media

There is definitely a culture clash in the world, and I'm not talking about the Western World and the Middle East, rather I'm talking about in the media such as television, radio, and newspapers and the new paradigm of social media, the Internet, and all the combination variations in between. Not only that, we also note that there have been lots of regulatory changes propping up the old, and preventing the new from making headway. Let's go ahead and talk about this for a moment if we shall.

You see, the Internet is rising so quickly along with e-commerce, and social networks that the media can't keep up. In fact the old media is trying to find new ways to use social networks and the Internet to blend the content so they don't lose the next generation of readers, and can keep from losing current subscribers who are migrating to electronic formats for their intake of news. Consider if you will all the apps on the iPad for all the major news outlets, and all of the industry association trade journals.

The old media is also very upset because it is being plagiarized at such a high rate that as soon as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or any other publication puts out an article, that article is copied, or parts of it are copied and syndicated across the Internet within minutes, and redistributed to the whole world. Those that are consolidators or syndicators of news often make quite a bit of money off their advertising on their websites, but the old media still has to pay to create the content. Obviously it's easy to make a lot of money grabbing other company's work when all there is; is revenue, and someone else is generating all of the articles, videos, and news.

You can see how upsetting this is - especially considering that the new media is competing with the old media, and the old media is paying for all the content that the new media is stealing. Because of this we are noticing new regulatory challenges in the online venues. This culture clash, of the new versus the old will continue. It appears that everyone in the new media believes that all the information should be free. But the old media is trying to stand on the integrity of the reporting, often flying reporters halfway around the world doing stories in places off the beaten path.

If they are not paying for that content, they can no longer send the actual reporter there to collect the information first hand. Further if they collect the information through social media, tweets, and cell phone videos of people who are actually there, then obviously the news will be jaded, and favoring the opinions of those taking the pictures. This might seem like an okay thing, because we are getting information in real time, but we aren't necessarily getting nonbiased news.

Government regulations to try to protect the old media aren't working, attempts to shut off ISPs of those who allow the posting of plagiarized information isn't going to fly with Internet users, and it's a bad idea anyway. Nevertheless, you can expect these controversies to continue throughout 2012 and more regulations to come. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Internet Issues. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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How Volunteer Opportunities Prove Beneficial for People of All Ages

Volunteering indeed is an incredible way to give back to your community. It would certainly not be wrong to state that it is a fun and easy way to explore your diverse interests and passions. If you are doing volunteer work, it can prove to be an uncomplicated way for you to find a meaningful and stimulating life. It can be relaxing and energizing escape from your day-to-day routine of work, school, or certain commitments that your family deserves. Grabbing the volunteer opportunities provides you transformed creativity, vision, and motivation that you can carry over into personal and professional life.

There are numerous people who volunteer in order to take time out for hobbies outside of work as well.

For example, if you have a desk job and yearn to spend time outdoors, you might take into consideration to help plant a community garden, lead local hikes, or lend a helping hand at a children's camp.

A good number of communities have numerous volunteer opportunities for people of all ages. They have foster grandparents programs, which match up with old people with children who have special needs or those who could reap the benefits from the care and influence of grandparents. Nothing can deny the fact that there are several senior citizens who prefer helping other seniors who may not be in the best of their health as they are. They may sit with them and discuss their problems they face or assist in meal preparation or even drive them to the appointments.

Hospital Volunteer Opportunities

Nothing else can prove to be noble than volunteering at a hospital. We come to know that taking an active part in volunteering at a hospital helps several people reap immense benefits. It surely is a worthy cause whether you opt for working with children or adults. Those individuals that are trapped in a hospital and bearing the stress of diverse ailments truly appreciate the company and assistance that are provided by volunteers. It can be rewarding for you if you work with children. You can help their parents in taking a much needed break and help brighten the day of the children.

Education and Career Exploration

One of the main reasons for volunteering is to explore career opportunities. That is why several people involve them in diverse volunteer programs. Young people and those who are seeking a change in their career often make use of volunteer positions as a means of learning more about potential career prospects prior to investing time and money in additional training. Several volunteer in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and in other organizations to get acquainted with the fact if these careers would be ideal for them to pursue.

Go Voluntouring is an organization that provides diverse opportunities to individuals that are willing to undertake volunteer opportunities in another country and contribute their skills and knowledge to less-privileged people. They gladly volunteer in various volunteer programs so that they make a difference in the lives of deprived people.

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Prison Reform for a Better Tomorrow

You work hard for your money, right? How would you feel if I told you that a portion of your hard earned money goes to the support of felons? Murderers, rapists, child molesters and others of the worst sort of the human animal, convicted felons serving life sentences for heinous crimes who can never be trusted to walk the streets freely. Or inmates serving life sentences involved in gangs and gang related activities, continuing the same anti-social violent behavior that caused them to be incarcerated. Some inmates even running gang activity from their prison cells. Controlling drug trafficking and commanding gang violence such as drive by shootings, which often harm or kill innocent by standers. Take little Sunny Elijah Peralez, who on August 6th, 1999 went to shut his East L.A. homes front door and was struck and killed by a stray bullet, innocent victim of a drive by shooting.

With an overcrowded prison system, the United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. 750 inmates per 100,000 citizens compared to a world average of 166 per 100,000 (that's.75% compared to.17%) and although crime rates have decreased since 1990, the rate of imprisonment has continued to rise, costing the American taxpayer billions. Combined expenditures of local, state and federal governments for law enforcement and corrections total over 200 billion dollars annually, money that some of which could be better spent on something more beneficial to humankind. For instance, prisons are housing many of the nations mentally ill. The number of mentally ill inmates is nearly five times the number in inpatient mental hospitals. Large numbers of mentally ill inmates as well as inmates infected with H.I.V. tuberculosis and hepatitis (often spread through drug use and tattooing with unclean needles) also raise serious questions regarding the costs and distribution of health care resources. (Facts about the prison system in the United States October 2007)

My proposal for eliminating these costs and redistributing these funds consist of several elements. The first element being the unbiased elimination of the cause or reasons of these costs, by that I am referring to convicted felons on death row and felons serving life sentences without the possibility of parole. I mean, why are we wasting money to keep these worthless pieces society alive? If they have shown by their actions and deeds that they hold no value on human life and serve no purpose or value to mankind then they should just be put to death. Now, the immediate execution of them of course, would be unfair. We need to give them some time incarcerated to actually serve some form of punishment prior to their execution, and time to reflect on their lives and misdeeds and perhaps find their way to God to maybe give their soul a chance for salvation. After all, God is all forgiving right? That's more than most of them gave their victims. Another idea is live televised executions to maybe deter others from committing the same offense. Then maybe a nice cremation ceremony, after which their ashes would indeed make a fine fertilizer for the prison garden there by interring them to complete their life sentence. At least then they would have served some benefit from their existence.

Secondly, lesser crimes that inmates were convicted of such as non-fatal or non-violent crimes like fraud or theft, or persistent drug related petty crimes stemming from drug dependency could be given a military option to help strengthen our depleting armed forces in a more cost effective manner by having them serve their time deployed overseas. For example, let's say someone was convicted for burglary and drug related charges and was given a six year sentence. That person could opt for unpaid military service for seventy five percent of his sentence time, after which if he or she decides to remain in the military the time served could be considered applied towards a military career. Any rank they may have achieved may be considered and the time served would be applied to the twenty year requirement for retirement. That way assists in the overcrowding and expense problems related to incarceration and they have served their country and now have become a valuable and productive citizen instead of a burden and liability. The combined savings to the government from both not having to support him or her in prison and not paying him or her while in the military would no doubt be quite substantial.

Thirdly, money saved by not wasting it on death row and life without parole inmates by simply executing them could be put to better use on programs for drug therapy and rehabilitation of lesser charged inmates. Also some of the money could be used for programs for the homeless for housing, job training and programs for them as well for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Programs for therapy and treatment of the mentally ill homeless could also be instituted to help them re-establish themselves into society so that they may live a happier and more productive life.

I am aware that opponents to my proposal would argue by saying things like that it would be cruel and unusual punishment to the inmates and against their rights. To them I say what about the rights of their victims? What if it had been your child killed by that stray bullet or found horribly abused and buried in a shallow grave? Would you still feel that it is wrong? What if your loved one had been killed in a robbery for only a few dollars they had in their pocket? Does that murderer with no sanctity for human life deserve more than to just die? And knowing that the money saved could be put to better uses to help others more deserving or in need to have a better life and to become a more productive member of society would you still want to let the murderer, rapist, child molester or serial killer languish in a cell often still perpetrating the same crimes that landed them there? Or would you rather see a nice new establishment for the betterment of mankind with a nice organically fertilized garden in front of it, providing hope for the many thousands of people this money could help? That's not really a tough question, is it?

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Beware of the Media, It Will Melt Your Mind and Make You Stupid He Said

All it is, is mass brainwashing - dummying down society, he told me. Then he explained last year how he went down to the local newsstand right after the Giant Earthquake and Japanese Tsunami and what was on the cover? One headline about the mega-disaster and several stories about such things as "some football star having an affair with a prostitute and this is not an isolated incident it happens every day worldwide."

Sure enough and we all know he's right, we all observe the same thing really. Later he equated this to be one of the reasons there is very little creativity going on in the world, and that "the majority of people seem to be happy with being told what's good for them and when it's good for them by people they've never met and have never heard before. It's like watching a flock of sheep being herded by sheepdog, as long as it doesn't affect their television they're quite happy to accept anything they're told."

Again, he's right, and we all know this, and then he told me that he was much happier living in his flat in Europe alone, without having to deal with such a screwed up world. Okay so, if you feel the same way, which I am certain many of us do from time to time, here is what I told him:

Okay so, you are happy, you win, others are happy with they are doing, so they win also. If we take away what they perceive to make them happy, and censor what they can view in the media, that is really; shame on us. Now then, I'm not saying they are not to blame, or shouldn't exercise responsibility in what they watch or take in, in fact, shame on them also. But humans just want to be happy, they tend to do the things that make them happy, often above what's good for them. If we dictate what is good for everyone, they will end up living sterile lives, and unfulfilled.

In many regards many of the rules, regulations, and onerous dictates imposed in our society is causing depression amongst the masses. I don't find that to be good, as it leads to things like depression medicines, drug use, alcohol abuse, and all sorts of other bizarre behavior and activities. None of which is any good. The biggest challenge with making rules, or deciding what is good for other people, even if you have the greatest intentions, is you are doing nothing more than paving the road to hell, and causing them to have unfulfilled and unhappy lives.

You are happy, you win, may be they are happy doing what they are doing, even if that road leads basically to know where. But then again in the end no one has ever escaped Earth alive, and everyone's life experience appears to end at the time of their departing this reality as fully functional entity. So they may as well be happy while they're here, and who are we to say what should make them happy? You see that issue?

Maybe, if people want to stop thinking, let them, as long as they don't tell us intellectual people how to live our lives or force that nonsense on us, we should be happy they are happy, or at least believe they are happy in this case. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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Pitching Journalists Via Email

According to the 2010 PRWeek/PR Newswire Media Survey, more than 70% of around 1600 PR practitioners still consider that using email is the most effective way to pitch journalists. However, journalists receive a lot of emails and they may not have enough time to read them all. Here you are some guidelines to increase your email chance to be read.

1. Target your pitch

Journalists receive tens or may be hundreds of Pitching Emails; your email may be at risk if it's not grabbing their attention enough or if it's not sent in an appropriate time through the day.

To pitch a journalist, you should act like a sales person who is showing his merchandise to a customer. If you (the sales person) are offering a medical product or service, your customer (journalist, editors and producers) should be a specialist in the field of healthcare, not someone who is working as a sports reporter.

Usually customers don't have much patience to listen to sales persons or to read long ads; so if you are pitching journalists via email, you should get their attention from the first glance, from the subject line. You should give life to your email; make it like you are doing a face-to-face presentation, this will give a better effect on the reader.

You also should make your research to know if your story has been covered before or not. If you have a new idea in expressing your story, a new perspective for a specific topic, be sure that journalists would like to get new ideas and stories, but you should also be sure you are expressing your idea in an attractive way.

2. Have a clear, concise subject

Getting a journalist attention to your email takes only one second. If you want your email to be read, not to be deleted and not to be considered as a spam, your subject line gives the first impression. Your subject line should be descriptive enough to let the journalist know what this email is talking about. E.g. Subject: SME News Release - PR's Secret.

Don't try to be funny in the subject line; the reader might not get your joke. Avoid using common words that are used by spammers. Also it's not preferred to use the word "pitch" in the subject line.

3. The body should be conversational, to the point

Around 30 seconds will decide the destiny of your email, whether to be read or to be neglected and deleted; especially if it's the first time to contact the journalist. Journalists don't have much time to read long emails, so you must keep your body brief and to the point. Format the body of your email before sending and make it easy and clear to read by using bullets or whatever. Don't include smiley faces or emoticons, make it serious and formal.

The objective of the body is to convince the journalist to contact you after getting interested in your story. To achieve this you have to include enough information to answer all the questions of a journalist. Put yourself in his shoes, think about why he should contact you later, how your topic will add a value to his publications.

Avoid attaching any clips to your email, let the journalist know the resources and samples that you have and he will request them. Get their attention in the body of your email, and then you can send more detailed information after they contact you.

After writing your body, be sure that your signature include your contact information, email address, website and phone number. Let him choose his favorite method to contact you.

4. Let them opt out

One aspect of courtesy and being polite is to give them the freedom of choice whether to receive your future updates or not. This will be appreciated by them; they will feel your respect to them and will exchange it. As a result, they might pass your email to the appropriate place and get another one to benefit from your email.

5. Paste your news release directly below your signature

It's a good idea to paste your news story below your signature. In case the journalists are interested in your story after reading your email body, they can easily scroll down to the read the exact story in details. This will save some time and save one communication step of contacting you telling that they are interested and want you to send further information about your story.

Passing this step means that you will get happy news in the first reply of the journalist.

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Young People Not the Only Ones to Fall Victim to a Cyberbully

Most people associate the word cyberbully with a disgruntled young person texting and emailing the object of his malice 30-50 times per day and setting up smear campaigns on social networks to destroy said object's social life. While this is the accepted portrait of the young cyber bully, there are also other, older people being victimized as well. Adults are reporting that they too have been victimized by a cyber bully in the course of their dealing online, on social networks and in electronic media. Many of these adults report a cyber bully "stalking" them from network forums and group discussion sites to Facebook and email. Others report that hateful, negative and derogatory comments have been leveled at them for taking a stand on issues such as animal cruelty, horse slaughter or other controversial topics. Another adult reported that she was in a domestic custody dispute over a child, and that she had to block access to certain parties from harassing her night and day. Another made enemies of a cyber bully who signed her up for adult porn sites and mail ordered items in her name, having them shipped to her home address. She is still getting intermittent messages through other channels, and proxy servers from this cyberbully.

Ways for adults to prevent cyberbullying range from closing forums to the public to making discussion group websites available by "invitation only". One of the only ways to prevent cyberbullying is to block the bully's access to these social forums. One woman stated" if they can't play nice and be respectful, they will not be allowed in". The woman in the domestic dispute was forced to cancel her email accounts and get all new account names, blocking the cyber bully from access to her phone, text and email accounts and reporting the cyber bully to the authorities and web carriers in an attempt to have that person banned from using these sites as they are in clear violation of the user agreements for the websites. The only true way to prevent cyberbullying is to have and enforce a zero tolerance for the cyber bully and his/her activities on all electronic media, websites, email and social networks. This is not only a youth problem, and must be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Showing a zero tolerance will put a clear message to the culprit that this type of behaviour is not worth it.

Checkout chatsec's child protection Facebook app http://www.chatsec.com/ that protects your child from cyber bullying, sexual predators, abductions and much more. Chatsec uses a complex algorithm that monitors your child's account so no one except you, the parent, can see what is going on. Chatsec's displays all concerning content on an easy to read platform for your convenience.

Chatsec puts parental control back in your busy life at the click of a button.

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Fire Department Equipment - The Wise Choice of Obtaining Hydraulic Rescue Tools Part I

Is your fire department active in vehicle and accident rescue? If so, you might consider requesting rescue tools from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant in 2012.

An excellent set of equipment in this category should consist of all hydraulic rescue tools. Be sure to include at least a 28" spreader with no less than 57,000 pounds of spread force. A good set should also include a very large cutter with 121,000 pounds of force. Additionally, it should have a mini-cutter with at least a 1.5" opening, a ram set, a pulling and lifting accessory kit, and multiple sections of color coded extension hose. Do not forget to request all mounting brackets so that your department can properly affix the equipment inside of your vehicles. You will also need to purchase a power unit or generator.

Your department should budget about $32,000 for the equipment and about $11,000 for the power unit or generator.

Why would you consider purchasing this equipment? There are many possible reasons for the request, but first and foremost would be the improved safety offered to entrapped victims. The second reason would be for the safety of firefighters responsible for freeing victims at accident scenes.

Let's start with the tools' ability to free victims. If your department has no such tools and uses sledge hammers and crow bars, then these may have worked for you in the past. Certainly they did not make rescues easy, but they sufficed if that is all you had. Today this is not a possibility. Why? The high grade steel used for automobile manufacturing today is not able to be plied open with crow bars. The cage construction will not allow such tools to effectively get to a victim for medical care. They are not easily extricated from vehicles. Within an entrapment a victim cannot be properly treated, and there is always the potential for fire. The longer the victim remains untreated or only with partial medical care, then the greater the chance for complication.

Now for firefighter safety. Every minute that a firefighter spends on a roadway, there is danger of being hit by a passing car or truck. Every time a firefighter operates equipment, there is strain on muscle and back; this can lead to injury. So herein lies the argument for good equipment. It is lightweight and easy to operate. Many older hydraulic tools require two firefighters to operate. These two firefighters must attend to the victim. If the space is confined no one can help the victim while the entrapment is being resolved. Treatment time is lost.

Most older units weigh well over 100 lbs. Injury to rescuers is always a concern and we will have firefighters end up with major back injuries. Certainly, many have already had minor ones on many occasions and this could lead to greater issues.

The bottom line is - get the new equipment as soon as you can. It will help both rescuers and victims.

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