
Dem Debate Gone Bad

 Photo of former Sen. Mike Gravel: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

WORST MOMENT #3 - No-Hope Candidates

Since former Sen. Mike Gravel declared his presidential candidacy on April 17, 2007, Mr. Gravel has garnered "no discernible public support," in the words of ABC News commentator George Stephanopoulos at the Iowa debate.

And yet, the former senator was accorded an equal place at the podium with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other candidates with an actual shot at securing the Democratic nomination.

Here's my question: what nutty form of liberal political correctness is causing the Democratic party to waste voters' valuable time on candidates who, after five to ten months of campaigning, can't muster even 3% support in any national or battleground primary state polls?

Liberal Political Correctness Run Amok

This is not an elementary school pageant, where each child is included so no feelings get hurt. This is not T-ball for five year olds, where each child gets a chance to play infield so they feel good about themselves.

The race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination is a competition, and certain candidates will clearly not win the race. They have already lost.

The 2008 presidential is desperately important for the future of our country. And many of us feel passionately that it's urgent for a Democrat to be elected to the White House in 2008.

Democratic voters need the time and information to make the best decision possible between the viable candidates, which are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Bill Richardson and possibly Joe Biden.

The Democratic party is simply foolish, less than four months before the primaries, to fritter valuable debate time away on the attention-getting shenanigans of candidates with absolutely zero chance of garnering the party nomination.

And really, must primary voters continue to have their time wasted by the loony behavior of once-great legislator Mike Gravel, such as this stunning exchange:

"MR. RUSSERT: In 2004 you filed for personal bankruptcy... leaving $85,000 in credit bills unpaid. How can someone who did not take care of his business, could not manage his own personal finances, say that he's capable of managing the country?

MR. GRAVEL: ... Now, you say the condo business. I'll tell you, Donald Trump has been bankrupt a hundred times. So I went bankrupt once in business.

And the other -- who did I bankrupt? I stuck the credit card companies with $90,000 worth of bills. And they deserved it, because I used the money. (Laughter.) They deserved it, and I used the money to finance the empowerment of the American people with the National Initiative, so you can make the laws."

For complete debate coverage, see:

Rating Hillary Clinton - Cumulative Scoreboard for the Debates
Rating Barack Obama - Cumulative Scoreboard for the Debates
Rating John Edwards - Cumulative Scoreboard for the Debates
Rating Bill Richardson - Cumulative Scoreboard for the Debates

View the original article here

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