
Curating Your Own Festival of Films

Now that almost every computer can watch free full movies online, anyone with a few friends, some popcorn, and an interest in film can curate their own festival of films. It's a fun thing to do with your friends and great way to meet people who share your passion for film.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your home is prepared for guests to watch free new movies online. If you have a stable internet connection then all you need is either a monitor (you can get a big one for under $100) or a TV that hooks up to your computer, speakers (which you probably have or can be purchased for under $20), and enough seating.

The next thing you need to do is choose the films that you are going to feature. Don't feel limited to feature films; you can put together a film festival of funny videos online, short films online, or any combination of clips, shorts, and feature length films. Do research and scour the web for films and clips that you think your friends haven't seen. With so many free new movies online, as well as free classic films on the web, the world of film is at your fingertips.

Once you have collected your content, it's time to do some curating. Write about some notes about each clip or film. Write about why you choose the pieces you did, why the order you put them in is significant, and any other fun facts. Once you are satisfied with your program notes put together and email list and tell your friends about your festival of films.

Before people arrive, get your house ready. Make sure all your equipment is working. Have food and refreshments prepared. Print out copies of your notes so people can follow along as the festival unfolds. You may even want to prepare a little speech to give before the festival of films begins.

With any luck your film festival will be a major success. Then you can invite friends to curate their own festivals. It's a great way to get people talking about film. You may find people will stay in your home for hours after screenings to chat you up.

Remember you can spread the festival out over several nights or even weeks. I would suggest screenings that last about 2.5 hours. If your program is longer break it up into several nights.

Now that anyone can watch free full movies online we can all take on curatorial projects. What will the theme of your festival of films be?

Festival of Films is a website offering free movies online. From classic comedies to viral videos to gripping documentaries, you can enjoy completely legal, free full movies online at your convenience.

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